
Բիզնես վարկ երիտասարդներին սուբսիդավորմամբ

  • Interest rate
    4 - 9 %
  • Term
    12 - 60 months
  • Sum
    350000 - 5000000 AMD
  • Annual percentage rate and an example of its calculation

    Dear customer, the annual nominal interest rate is the interest rate that is announced by the financial organization and based on which the amount to be paid by the borrower is calculated.

    Annual percentage rate shows what the annual nominal interest rate will be if the latter includes all the mandatory loan service and payment fees.

    The annual percentage rate is calculated based on the following formula:

    i - Annual Percentage Rate (APR). This is the total cost of the loan/credit made by the customer (borrower) expressed as the annual interest rate of the loan, which includes all interest and other payments that the consumer is obliged to pay upon receipt of the loan, as well as throughout its operation,
    A - Credit sum (initial size of credit provided to consumer by creditor),
    n - number of the repayment directed to credit coverage,
    N - number of the last repayment directed to credit coverage,
    Kn- number of the last repayment directed to credit coverage,
    Dn- time span between the day or credit extension and the day of making the n-th repayment directed to credit coverage, expressed by number of days.

    Example of loan interest calculation

    • Loan Amount – 2,000,000 AMD
    • Annual nominal interest rate - 20.00%
    • Loan term - 36 months
    • Commission fee - 2% (40,000 AMD)
      • In this example
        the monthly payment will be 74,732 AMD (repayment amount may vary depend on the days of the month)
      • daily interest rate will be - Loan amount (balance) × Loan interest rate ÷ 365 = (2,000,000×20.00%÷365) = 1095.89 AMD
    • Annual Percentage Rate (APR) will be 23.68%